Help DAMNING THE DEAD & BURYING THE DEAD hit a bestseller list???


DAMNING THE DEAD and BURYING THE DEAD are both on sale for $0.99 right now. And did you know – if only a fraction of my readers bought the books today (March 3) through Sunday (March 5), there’s a great chance they’ll hit bestseller lists on Amazon???

(If you read on a non-Kindle ereader, the books could even make it to a national bestseller list!)

That may not seem like a big deal, but when a book climbs the ranks, Amazon shows it to more people, which makes it climb the ranks more on all lists – it’s really an exponential function! #mathteacher  ;)

You can’t even get a black coffee for $1.98 most places now, and books last a LOT longer than coffee! #obvious  ;)

As a small press author, I need readers like you to spread the word about my books. If you already own them all, THANK YOU. You’re awesome, and I so appreciate it! :)

But if you haven’t bought them, and could find it in your heart to try them now (for less than $6 for the WHOLE SERIES), that would be amazing. Or if you know anyone who might enjoy them, please forward this email or share this link:

I would be so grateful for your help! Thank you!!!

BURYING THE DEAD Release Day Party Grand Prize Giveaway

21 Days of Authors Countdown

Have you found today’s Secret Code by checking my Instagram?? And have you unlocked the corresponding cell, and posted your entry for today’s Daily Giveaway (which is ALSO an entry into the Grand Prize Giveaway) in the comments of this Facebook post??? No?? Well – why the heck not??? LOL!  :) 

Every day is a new prize – gift cards, free ebooks, and more! And even if you post late, your entry still counts toward the grand prize drawing for a signed print copy of BURYING THE DEAD + $25 Amazon US Gift Card! That means you could get 21 entries into the final drawing! So, what are you waiting for???  :)

#21daysofauthors #giveaway #giveaways #grandprize #newrelease #book #books #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #thedeadseries #wrpbks #mustread #awardwinning #supernatural #paranormal #romance